路径:POST /open/api/v3/merchant/trade/create
参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
access-token | Y | string | 免登录accessToken值,可以从免登录获取token接口获取 |
appid | Y | string | 应用的唯一标识 |
timestamp | Y | string | 当前 UTC 13位时间戳, 5分钟内有效 |
sign | Y | string | 将appId,timestamp,和请求的body中的参数按字母排序进行签名,签名方式可参考这里 |
参数名 | 必选 | 类型 | 说明 |
side | Y | string | 传入BUY |
merchantOrderNo | N | String | 接入商家自定义订单号,商家保证唯一。 |
amount | Y | String | 法币购买金额 ,单位元;需要根据法币精度控制位数,精度为0表示整数,精度为2表示保留两位小数。精度参见:基础数据-法币币种及支付方式 |
fiatCurrency | Y | string | 法币名称,USD/EUR等 |
cryptoCurrency | Y | string | 数字货币名称,举例:USDT |
depositType | Y | int | 固定传2 |
address | Y | string | 用户接收数字货币的地址 |
network | Y | string | crypto接收网络:eg:ETH/BSC/BTC等 |
payWayCode | Y | string | 支付方式代码:具体值可以参照基础数据-法币支付方式 |
alpha2 | Y | string | ISO 3166-1 二位字母国家code,如us/jp等 |
redirectUrl | N | string | 买币成功后页面跳转地址 |
callbackUrl | N | string | 买币成功后回调地址 |
memo | N | string | 注意:BNB网络memo参数必传。 |
failRedirectUrl | N | string | 买币fail后页面跳转地址,如果不传入,则支付失败也会跳转至redirectUrl |
merchantName | N | string | 商户名称,如果传入,会在支付结果页面展示商户名称 |
"side": "BUY",
"cryptoCurrency": "USDT",
"address": "TSx82tWNWe5Ns6t3w94Ye3Gt6E5KeHSoP8",
"network": "TRX",
"fiatCurrency": "USD",
"amount": "100",
"depositType": 2,
"payWayCode": "10001",
"alpha2": "US",
"redirectUrl": "http://payment.jyoumoney.com/alchemy/payResultPage/DZ02207121427022754",
"callbackUrl": "http://payment.jyoumoney.com/alchemyRamp/pay/callback?tradeNo=DZ02207091800356504"
"success": true,
"returnCode": "0000",
"returnMsg": "SUCCESS",
"extend": "",
"data": {
"payUrl": "<http://www.amazon.com?token=aaaa&userNo=bbbb&email=cccc&orderNo=xxxx&id=xxxx&cardFlag=false>" //支付跳转地址
"success": false,
"returnCode": "3103",
"returnMsg": "Please refresh timestamp",
"extend": "",
"data": null,
"traceId": "64ed9681618806b022dd303e2ea1ed13"
Code | 说明 | returnMsg |
3100 | 用户费率配置错误 | Please contact with our team to configure commission |
3101 | Crypto没有配置 | Please contact with our team to configure crypto |
3102 | Amount 超出限额 | Quote amount exceed the range, The Min purchase amount is %s, The max purchase amount is %s |
3103 | 时间戳过期 | Please refresh timestamp |
3104 | appId不存在 | Please contact with our team to create account |
3105 | 地址错误 | Invalid Crypto Address |
3106 | 收币地址存在风险 | Your current withdrawal address is at risk, please check or change to another one. |
3107 | 请求路径错误 | Illegal request path |
Updated 23 days ago
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