

是对timestamp + method + requestPath + body使用HMAC SHA256方法用SecretKey加密,通过Base-64编码输出而得到的。
其中requestPath中参数,跟body规则一致。list值里面的顺序按照以下类型顺序int - float/double - string - list & object排序,int,double,string同类型之间按字典排序;list & object之间根据在数列红的位置进行排序;里面的object/list 等子结构体以一致的规则进行递归排序。然后放回进行签名。其中去掉null以及’’值,空数列[].空字典{}。


{{“x”: 1, “y”: 2}, 1, 3, 2, -4, 1.1, “xxxxx”, “yyyy”, “jscx”, 0, “sss”,{“z”:2,”x”:1,”a”:””}}
{-4,0,1,2,3,1.1,”jscx”,”sss”,”xxxxx”,”yyy”,{“x”: 1, “y”: 2},{“x”: 1, “z”: 2}}


  • 需注意原则上,传输中数列的数据排序不应对传输内容有关联。
    如Path以及body中,都有参数,则将Path以及body各自排序,然后按该拼接顺序(timestamp + method + requestPath + body)组合在一起签名
    例子: timestamp = 1538054050234, GET 请求,path=/api/v1/crypto/order?order_no=sdf23?token=ETH, Body 为空,签名内容为
    “1538054050234” + “GET” + “/api/v1/crypto/order?token=ETH?order_no=sdf23
    其中,timestamp的值与ach-access-timestamp请求头相同,为ISO格式,Unix 时间,以毫秒为单位,十三位时间戳。币安/OKX交易所规则,
  • method是请求方法,字母全部大写
  • requestPath是请求接口路径,大小写敏感, 如果URL已/结尾,仍然还需加上
  • body是指请求主体的字符串,如果请求没有主体(通常为GET请求)则body可省略,字典顺序,body内部的结构也是字典顺序,空值不参与签名,任何参数为空时,会被过滤掉,不参与签名。
    例如: ‘1538054051230’ + ‘GET’ + ‘/api/v1/crypto/token/price’ + body
  • secretKey,apiKey 大小写敏感
    使用 HMAC SHA256 使用密钥对于哈希字符串进行签名。
  • 以 Base64 格式对签名进行编码。


import base64 import hmac import json import requests from datetime import datetime from typing import Dict, Any, List, Union, Type # 签名 class SignatureUtility: def generate_signature(self, secret_key: str, message: str) -> str: """Generate the HMAC SHA256 signature for a given message.""" signature = hmac.new( secret_key.encode(), message.encode(), digestmod="sha256" ).digest() return base64.b64encode(signature).decode() def verify_signature( self, secret_key: str, message: str, received_signature: str ) -> bool: """Verify the received signature against the computed one.""" computed_signature = self.generate_signature(secret_key, message) return hmac.compare_digest(computed_signature, received_signature) def clean_and_sort_dict( self, data: Union[Dict[Any, Union[Dict, Any]], List[Union[Dict, Any]]] ) -> Union[Dict[Any, Union[Dict, Any]], List[Union[Dict, Any]]]: if isinstance(data, dict): sorted_dict = {} for key, value in sorted(data.items()): if isinstance(value, (dict, list)): value = self.clean_and_sort_dict(value) # Checking for non-empty values, including non-empty lists and non-empty dictionaries if value or value == 0: sorted_dict[key] = value return ( sorted_dict if sorted_dict else None ) # Return None if the dictionary is empty elif isinstance(data, list): int_list = sorted([item for item in data if isinstance(item, int)]) float_list = sorted([item for item in data if isinstance(item, float)]) str_list = sorted([item for item in data if isinstance(item, str)]) complex_data_types = [ item for item in data if isinstance(item, (dict, list)) ] sorted_complex_data = [ self.clean_and_sort_dict(item) for item in complex_data_types ] sorted_complex_data = [ item for item in sorted_complex_data if item ] # Filter out None values result = int_list + float_list + str_list + sorted_complex_data return result if result else None # Return None if the list is empty # def post_request(URL: str, body: Type): sign_utility = SignatureUtility() query_string = "" method = "POST" # # 请求签名 body_str = "" timestamp = str(int(datetime.utcnow().timestamp() * 1000)) req_cleaned_body = sign_utility.clean_and_sort_dict(body) if req_cleaned_body is not None: body_str = json.dumps( req_cleaned_body, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":"), ensure_ascii=False, ) message = f"{timestamp}{method}{URL}{query_string}{body_str}" print(message) sign = sign_utility.generate_signature(secret_key=SECRET_KEY, message=message) print(sign) # POST REQUEST headers = { "ach-access-key": API_KEY, "ach-access-sign": sign, "ach-access-timestamp": timestamp, } response = requests.post(url=HOST + URL, headers=headers, json=body) return response.text API_KEY = "service000-local-apikey" SECRET_KEY = "service000-local-secretkey" HOST = "" # if __name__ == "__main__": url = "/open/api/card/create" body = { "callbackUrl": "http://baidu.com", "cardHolder": { "address": { "city": "string", "country": "string", "state": "string", "street": "string", "zipCode": "string" }, "firstName": "string", "lastName": "string" }, "customerId": "user_id_123", "deposit": "100", "orderNo": "12165456165441", "tagNameList": [ "string" ], "vid": "vab_069af8a792ad" } response = post_request(url, body) print(f"response: {response}")

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