

3100Please contact with our team to configure commission
3101Please contact with our team to configure crypto
3102Quote amount is out of the range, The Min purchase amount is %s, The max purchase amount is %s
3103Please refresh timestamp
3104Please contact with our team to create account
3105Invalid Crypto Address
3106Your current withdrawal address is at risk, please check or change to another one
3107Illegal request path
3108The decimal places of the fiat amount are not correct.
10001Access denied. Please log in.
10005Invalid Request Parameters
10010Invalid data.
60005Limited Payment Amount
70008Illegal requests
70009token expired
70010ip not permitted
70012For regulatory reasons, users in this country are currently unable to use this service.
81003Invalid Merchant Sign
81010Merchant parameter error
81012crypto is not supported
81013crypto and network do not match
81016fiat not match
99999An error has occurred. Please try again later.